Young people destroy high-end Airbnb Villa!

Airbnb cancelled my account without informing and checking with me any information posted in Facebook from a group of young people who stayed in one of my villas for one week last summer.  They just believed a group of young people who destroyed a villa during their holidays in one of my villas.  They made rave parties during their stay of 7 nights, A/C units were broken, plants in the garden were destroyed, tiles of the terrasse around the pool were broken, bedrooms doors broken. They had at the villa more than 60 people every night. When they left the damages at the villa was nearly 2000.-€ and they paid for the rent only 1500.-€, plus 300.-€ breakage deposit. We took pictures of the damages after they left and sent them the invoice for the damages, but they never paid the invoice. It was so bad that we had to move the next guests coming into the villa the following week.